Chronicle Keeperz fiction book catalog currently features Teen-Young Adult, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal Romance and Women's Fiction. We are growing so you can expect to see other genres such as horror, mystery and science fiction, to name a few, in the near future.
Chronicle Keeperz's authors thrive on blurring the lines of genres. Don't be surprised to discover a dark romance with a twist of science fiction; a horror book with a kiss of romance; or a spy thriller with a bite of horror. Does this sound confusing? Not to our readers.
Chronicle Keeperz reader want our authors to make their blood run hot or freeze in their veins. Readers want words that provoke them to scream, tremble, cry out or sigh. We have you covered. Chronicle Keeperz gives its authors license to open up and explore. Writers listed on our website create worlds we can't wait to step into. They breathe life into characters we either love or hate.
Welcome to Chronicle Keeperz, an independent publisher of fiction books. We hope you enjoy the experience. If not, let us know what's on your mind.
Independent Publisher of Fiction Books